Saturday, April 14, 2007

This was different!

I just wanted to add this to an experience. It was a few days ago now,but i havn't forgotten. It was the same day we were stuck in the dust storm near Faisalia. I decided to wear my head scarf, not only out of respect, but also to protect my ears from the sand. It was hopeless, we were a little lost, stuck in a car park type area what looked like a ghetto, we were trying to get our sense of direction in the storm. My scarf was hopeless in the wind, it wouldn't stay on properly. I decided i could ask for help from a lady walking with her son. At first she avoided me, but i continued to gesture asking for help and when i said "how" and gestured she knew exactly what i meant. I only wanted it around my head, but she insisted i get around like ths:

I walked around a little like this and Serena was cracking up :), she couldn't belive i let her cover my face! It was a really bizzare feeling, but i tell you what, it really did protect me from all the flying sand and rubbish!!!


Unknown said...

Also very sexy :) Black is definately your colour :)

Adam said...

very intersting blog :)
It’s nice to read about my city from a different view point, also it’s nice that you are not prejudging the culture or people. Enjoy your stay, it’s an experience that you wouldn’t find anywhere else
P.S: just a suggestion, try getting to know some local girls, you may find them so interesting