Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Heading to Hong Kong

Yey--found internet to update you all!
Well, i have so much to say! Before i left i spent my last few days with my family and had lunch in my fav restaurant Maldinis with mum. Katie and ty hung out and i was so spoilt by everyone.

Mum and I--I love you and miss this already!

I packed my bags fairly well but was still overweight, but qantas were very kind and gave me an extra bag to take on the plane and let me empty my shoes out of my suitcase so that i didn't get charged. Honestly tho, how do people expect one to move countries with only 20kg!

I was really excited and ready for the trip to Hong Kong. I was a weird mix of emotions-excited, nervous, scared, sad, miss everyone, but huge new adventure awaits!
I was lucky to meet such a wonderful person on the plane next to me, so genuine, caring and so worldly-Tamara. She was very talented, inv9olved in publishing books, art, media-all sorts. She lives in France, but is from Tas and travels the world with her work and also by house sitting-amazing. All my tears were held back (i am glad about). We chatted all the way and got along really well, sharing lots of experiences and personal things that make up the multiple "layers" and "facets" of ourselves. I felt it was a great start to what was ahead! Must keep in contact!
Rang mum in Syd felt tired but keen to move on to HK-boarded at 1pm Qantas, sat next to young girl from HK (but from Scotland) who has lived in HK for 16yrs. Her name was Julie too. She had flown 100times back and forth coz she is doing uni in Syd. Watched cool movies-The Holiday, Miss Potter and Flushed away.

At baggage claim a girl recognised my face and voice, her mame is Serena and get this....she was heading to Saudi too and not only that...we went to uni together too!!! Unreal! We both stayed at the Regal Airport Hotel which the Hospital provided--was really nice room, so good to have a shower! Then attempt to sleep on unfortunately what was a hard, non posturepedic concrete type matress mixed with out of wack body clock. HK was only 2hrs behind, but i was still tired!

Serena and i checked out HK together! Caught super groovy train in, walked around waterfront, had lunch then ventured into some city streets and markets. Very smoggy place, lots of cool buildings, awesome food and dinky little shops!

Some photos from Hong Kong

Serena at the waterfront.

Massive meal of noodles--so so so cheap!

Tiny bit of the city.

Funny double decker trams.

Awesome cobbled street climing hill after market! (can't put photo of markets on because the computer wont let me rotate them-cant wait to get internet at home!).

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