Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I am a week behind with this, but still want to show you it all. Last weekend (thursday and friday--saudi weekend) Tamara got us into what they call Hash House Harriers, a world wide walking/running group. It was unreal! We went to the thursday hash and started to walk, it is really rocky, not all sand like i expected. The weather really cut up and we ended up trying to run through this wicked as sand/rain storm with thunder, and the lightening almost only 4 meters away!!! It was so scary, but at the same time a bit of an adrenaline rush. It was so invigorating and fun at the same time! This was nature, and this was life! We all looked out for each other, the walk was cut slightly short and we were drenched by the end!! We got a lift back with Tamara's and Ann's friend Hadi. He bought us all dinner and we went to his compound to eat it "Shwarma" yummy arabic food. He was very genuine, kind and hospitable.

The next day (friday), Hadi invited us to the Hash that day. It was only Serena and I coz Tam and Ann had to work. The weather had improved and today bought lots of feelings that the camera could not capture. It was a feeling of freedom, the beauty in its own way is unreal. The huge big ocean floor!! We climbed really high, it was so amazing! The group of people are all really interesting and very welcoming! I love it and am off to do it again tomorrow!

Have just finished another week of orientation, have just been to dinner where steve (aussie guy in our orientation group) could join us. Same deal, very full, very happy with meal and very cheap!

Here are some photos from Hash in the desert:

A very organised group! We had to stand in the circle and introduce ourselves! Lots of people!

Freaky bug in the desert!

Tamara and I before the storm!

Stuck in the storm! Lucky my camera is waterproof. The sand mixed with the rain and it was like desert hail!

I like this photo, this was thae calm after the storm, and finally i got to see some blue sky!

Me and Serena ready for thursday

Take two: serena and I out at hash again friday!

I also have some other photos, like the ones where we got to pat a lonley camel! It was a nice one, he didn't spit and actually loved the attention! They look awesome in the desert. Hadi drove up to it and bought it closer. Serena and I also did something illegal!! We had a little drive each in Hadi's left hand drive 4wd in the desert! I couldn't believe it, it wasn't that hard to adjust sides from what you are used to. I will put the photos on when i have more, until then, take care everyone and know that i am fine. I hope everyone is well! I have spoken to mum and dad and might even try and call now since they are seven hrs ahead and i can sleep in if i want to tomorrow, so i might catch them n the morning.

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