Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm still here!

Almost finished orientation. Am doing skills lab stuff these couple of days, then have weekend off and start work SATURDAY!!! Very nervous, but just want to enjoy the last of these relaxed days and weekends off!

I finally have internet at home, its slow,but so much nicer than the computer room. Have checked out more shopping malls, they are awesome! i want to go and spend a day there with lots of money. Have just been getting boring stuff that i need really, ooh, and a few shoes:) Really want to get to the souks soon too!

Just so busy with other stuff, same old really, dinners, shops, movies at hadi's and hash! Got camp out this weekend coz we misssed out on the embassy function for anzac day. Im making anzac biscuits for the camp. Have been baking lots lately. I think coz its like a little community, i want to share it with my friends. Mum has given me some classic recipes.
i'm trying to put more photos on, but the internet is being a poo, will try tomorrow, night!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Same old!!!! You cant write that yet! You've only been there a couple of weeks!!! :)