Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lots of Family

Its April 1st today and have got a quiet moment to update my blog. Nope, still not in Saudi, have got 4DAYS TO GO!!!!
Really have to think about packing soon! Have been spending lots of time with my family.
Saturday 24th March
Had wonderful day with Sue and Gords, yummy BBQ together! They are both like our Aunty and Uncle, very special people!

Photo of sue and Gords

Sunday 25th March
Beaudine and Kelsey flew over while their Mum and dad (Aunty Cush and Uncle Ron)and Grandad drove all the way down from North QLD! It has been so neat to have more family all together!! I will miss it!

The next few days were spent hanging out with my little cousins. We went bowling, rode Sam(my horse), watched DVD's and went ice-skating! Was heaps of fun.

Katie with the cousies bowling.

me ready to bowl.

Beaudine, Kelsey and Me getting ready to skate!

Having so much fun--ALL ICE PRINCESSES!

On Friday 30th March
Caught up with my best friend Ali who is now in WA. We had a lovely dinner at my fav restaurant Maldinis. Had a few drinks and a dance at customs, quarry and irish then ended up at syrup. Awesome night! I didn't realise how much i missed her until i had to leave in the morning :-( Got to catch up with her groovy parents in the morning, and sue and gords picked me up and we prepared my family bbq feast for the arvo. (All the photos of Ali and I out are on her camera- i will post one later).

The BBQ was really cosy and comfortable, so great to catch up with one another and hang out. Lots of food!!

Aunty Lorraine and I.

Ty (aka: Ta-EE) and Katie bird.

Aunty Cush finishing the nibblies off.

Grandad and Uncle Damo

The cousies (Regan, Beaudine and Kelsey)

Mum and Sue.

Cool photo of dad.

Sam and I

My baby Molly.

Our family dog Honey


Patrick said...

Hey Jules! Cool photos, i think mum will love the one of her :). hehehe.

Sue and Gord's said...

Hey Jules! diet time for us I think...luv and miss u...have fun in the sun and out for flying camels...xox Sue and Gord's