Saturday, April 14, 2007

The food is so good here, and so cheap!!!

I don't know why i even bother to do grocery shopping because the food is fabulous! Tamara took Serena and i out to dinner. She was very impresive with her arabic skills trying to get us there in an outside taxi! I will stick to our fixed price "Hala" taxis until i know where i am and how to direct the driver (safer this way!). Some of the words are yemeen(right), yassar(left), ala'tool(straight), wagef(stop), and others but i don't have them in front of me. I have begun to pick up some more arabic phrases and enjoy using them.
Anyway, slightly off the topic, back to the food(i love food!). We went to an indian restaurant and the food was tayeb (delicious) --this could also mean "Ok" n conversation.
There was such a variety, we had our own curry each (like butter chicken etc)and were given pampadoms, cuccumber salad, rice, vege lentil dahl, chicken gravy stuff, chappati and rotti bread and rita. Tamara and I even stepped out of the square and ate with our hands!! (thanks to susan and reyan for teaching me this traditional art!!). Serena wasn't quite keen enough to give it a go. It is very different, but fun and yummy as! All of this cost 39 riyals which is like 13AUD between the 3 of us!!!

Tamara and Serena

Tamara trying to eat traditionally and Serena looking very unsure about the whole thing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mmmmm finger food ;)