Saturday, April 14, 2007

First compound get together

Serenas flatmate invited us (Brooke, Serena, me, and emily-from nz) to the American milatry compound to meet more people. Oh my Allah! What an adventure just to get in there!! Mass security, it felt weird and was a lengthy process for us being our first time. A guy met us there, like our sponsor really. We got in there, and yes, everything is in Saudi!! Good party!
Good to meet new people, some cool aussies there too, but most of the guys were american. It was fun, i even joined in this crazy pick up the cup with your mouth without touching the ground and keeping your hands behind your back!! The challenge between us got more intense as they trimmed the cup down. Lucky i can do a bit of yoga, this helped a lot!

Serena, Emily and I

Lots of dancing and kareoke in the lounge

Crazy cup challenge (trickier than it looks!!)

Brooke (Aussie from my orientation group), Ann (a school teacher) and Alishia(cool aussie chicky been here a few months).

I met so many people and have more photos but cant put themn all on here. It was good to get out, so much to learn from each other even, not just the Saudi ways. Lots of fun so far!


Unknown said...

sexy! One of your best angles ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Julie! It's me little Tiff (currently living in Taiwan). I just got your blog website from Lisa this morning and thought of leaving you a quick message to letting you know that I'm thinking of you right now! I hope you are going well over there in Arabia, and pls take good care of yourself.
Love ya, Tiffany xoxo 16th April'07