Monday, April 30, 2007

random photos

me in the desert all alone!!

the massive bread at the turkish restaurant! Tang my friend in the background. So much food yet again!

me, serena and steve all with our saudi champagne (like punch)

a few of my friends ready for our walk

my friend hadi with a camel abought closer to us to pat "the camel whisperer!!"

baby camel

Kingdom tower

this is on the hospital grounds, a huge big park and caves and yey, water and trees!

A few of us from my orientation outside ready togo to dinner in our little black dresses!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey jules u got a mobile number yet? if so send me a text n i'll fone u. will make sure i have a bottle of red for the chat (0400115010) :)
lyndal xoxo