Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Flew from HK to Bahrain, transit for only 1hr then arrive Riyadh 2200hrs 6 April, 27 degrees, tired, furry teeth!!!! But yey, finally got here. Felt more nervous flying into Riyadh, I spose, this was it! Very nice airport!! Greeted by Hospital rep, got bags etc (mine were searched!), stuck with dodgy trolley, was a funny sight, Serena and I going round and round!! Got on bus, but then had to wait for another girl to arrive from Canada. Very tired and annoyed coz it was now midnight heading to 1am and we had to start orientation at 0800hr!! Everything was done in what i have learnt is Saudi time! Spent more time trying to find a petrol station that sold diesel! Such a stuff around when all we wanted to do was get to our accomadation!
Got to my unit in the MCV-38c (Serena in same complex-yey 30c), one of my flatmates got up, the other was out overnight. They are both Finnish girls who have been here 7months, very nice-Hanna and Paivi. I was a bit dissappointed at the beginning because there is 3 of us and only 2 bathrooms and the upstairs is a bit pokey and my room is the smallest. I felt so much better after i rang Tamara to let her know i arrived and her and Andrea (both awesome girls i know from Tassie--they have been here 2months)both popped over to visit, gave me big welcome hug! Got to bed at 3am! Woken up at 4:30am with prayer call, loud near my unit, but at the same time was pleasant to hear- like a little song. Up then at 7 for orientation--that sucked!!So tired!!
Long days on orientation. The second night here Tamara met me with her Finnish friend and took us to the supermarket out of the Hospital--First time out in Abaya!

Tamara and I in our abaya

Got back, didn't buy much coz didn't know what i needed and wanted at that stage and was a bit exhausted still, we got stuck in there at prayer time and were allowed to keep shopping, but once prayer trime is over, you have to queue for ages at the check out!! Big lesson in Saudi--Patience!
Up again with early prayer call, they pray 5times a day (times depend on the sun)facing towards Makka. Walked to the hospital in the very dry heat and noticed the sky is such a different colour! We had fire traing, and i mean real fire traing--as part of the course we had to extinguish a real fire!!

Me fighting the fire in my abaya!!

Serena and Brooke (both Ausiies from Vic!)

It has been very bizarre weather, super dust storms, thunder and lightening and even rain!!! Serena and i ventured out into the city ourselves and had several different encounters!
We found awesome bookstore that sold not only books, left there and to avoid prayer time we went into burger king for some food--first mistake, totally forgot and took male entrance!!! Went round to female entance and eating area and ate behind the curtains like this:

crazy weather we got stuck in!!!

Kingdom Tower amongst all the dust!! Normally awesome building to see, i will put a good photo on when the weather settles and the sky is bluer! Most people liken it to a bottle opener!

This another landmark building for us with great shops "Faisalia" (the pointy one, don't know what the book like one is!).

I still have more to put on here, more details of the place and the culture and what has happened, but time is short, so busy!! I'd like to be more descriptive but have so much to catch up on. Got to dash to a compound party (don't worry, not keen to drink, too tired anyway) and up tomorrow for desert walk with hash house harriers!! see you next time!


Unknown said...

Hey ya Julie!! :)
Glad to see everything is going cool for you. Mum and i think that "male entrance" thing at burger king is crazy!! Thats SA for ya tho eh? where do you sit if you are sitting with a male friend or husband??
Look s like fire training was fun! :P not sure about that dry heat tho! :P
What was the wall behind you in the fire photo? looks like a charmer! :P
Mum and i are just hanging round home today. will keep reading your blog to keep updated!
Love you!
hope your having fun! :)

Love, Ilona and Aunty Katrina :)

Sue and Gord's said...

Jules what an aventure! Just had nightly chat with ur Mum, all cool. Your rock Jules, what courage and experience - and having some fun in amongst the orientation...Gord's says a huge HI and we both send lots of love and hugs. Good luck with the Arabic keyboard! lol xoxoxox from us,
Sue and Gords.