Thursday, March 22, 2007


Omigod! Where do I begin? Was a super quick, busy, but fantastic trip to Qeensland. Got to spend quality time with my gorgeous and fabulotastic twin sis Lisa, and my super groovy brother in-law Mike, and not to forget my sparkling cutie pie precious princess niece Chanel!

Sunday 4th March
Arrived around early arvo. Hung out at home then went to Garden city to get groceries. Bumped into my cousin Megan and Aunty Sharon there too. Came home, had a wine and kicked back for a bit, then decided i'd cook Lisa some middle eastern food (very humble meal as Saad would say). Made lamb kebabs, the potato salad, green salad and had the pita bread and the cuccumber and carrot yoghurt dips (Lisa loves them and Chanel loves pita bread!). Was a nice evening. Mike even ventured out to try a kebab! That was impressive coz he was having his all time favourite on the barby---sausages! Sky ( Lisa's friend) joined us too.

Monday 5th March
Uncle Grant popped over to catch up, we had a good chat! Then Lisa, Chanel and I went shopping at the Hyperdome, came home and coloured my hair brown.....huge change! Lisa took me out to Milton (nice place in brisbane) to make me feel better. Had dinner at lovely Italian place La Dolce Vita. Good to have special time together.

Lisa and I in Milton

Tuesday 6th March
We got up early and caught the bus into the city for a girls day out. Nana Marie babysat baby Chanel. We stopped off at the hospital to visit one of Lisa's friends who had just had a baby. Was very exciting stuff, but no i'm not at all clucky!

We caught the bus to Southbank and had a lovely long lunch at my favourite little street there-Little Stanley Street. Funky place and nice food and wine.

Lisa enjoying our food and wine.

Us at southbank with the city across the river.

We then wandered around southbank and caught the ferry across to the city. Very cheery twins on a mission! Once Lisa figured out the right ferry to cross ( after interviewing various tourists and pretending she as from melbourne!) we were set!

me on the ferry.

We toured around the city looking at shops and ended up at Riverside, a rather funky yet elegant place with lots of inviting bars along the river. We went to one and had a very expensive wine with super posh service and a crowd consistig of rich country men in suits and an overdone plastic blonde tart. Was amusing.

We caught the bus home and later that evening Lori and Jay visited with some elating news--they finally are engaged-very romantic story!

Wednesday 7th March
Rest day really. Went to swimming lessons with Chanel, was lots of fun, she is a great swimmer.

Chanel underwater.

Chanel and I blowing bubbles

So much fun!

After swimming we cam home and chilled out, watched the Little Mermaid Movie with Chanel and sung the songs and I drew a huge 'Ariel' mermaid and the fish 'Flounder' with chalk-she loved it and so did I!

That aftenoon we were invited to Ted and Jeans house. Ted has made a bar and made us all drinks. Was really nice.

Ted and I serving at his bar!

Later that night Lisa, Sky and I went to a massage and spa resort to treat ourselves. Was absolutely beautiful. After our massages we were offered the spa with sparkling and cheeses. Was so nice and relaxing, something I'd do again-thank you Lisa:-)

I can't remember what we did Thursday, but Friday 9th March was MIKE'S BIRTHDAY!!! Was a nice B'day party lunch with family. Lisa and I decorated his cake in Led Zepplin style and a little drum kit on top.

Went out for dinner that night for Mike, nice to be all together!

Saturday 10th March
Went to the park with Chanel

Later that night it was a girls night out with Lori, Lisa, Sky and I!!
Partied at the local to begin with "The Glen" then went to "Jade Buddah" in the city and ended up later at "The Beat" in the Valley. Didn't go much on the valley scene so went home. Lots of fun and lots of Smirnoff Blacks!!!

Lori, Lisa and I

Lisa, Lori and Sky


Sunday 11th March
Spent the day resting (aka recovering-for me that is!). That evening we went to Don and Marie's for a yummy BBQ and B'day cake for both Mike and his brother Steve. Was really nice. Got up the next day and had to fly out:-( so sad, I miss them all so much already!!! My holiday was amazing, so fun! I love you guys!!

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