Saturday, March 24, 2007


Monday 12th March

Mum and Murray picked me up from the airport and we had lunch at Blueskies with Sue and Gords and Katie. Sue had some very exciting news. The lunch together was great, lots of catch ups, laughs and smiles! Muzza stayed with mum and dad so I spent the next few days hanging out with my old friend from Vic! He helped build my stables for my horse Sam and helps mum and dad out heaps---super gardener! Muzza has so much energy and always makes me laugh, he is a super mate!

Muzza and I.

Caught up with a few friends again and had our work dinner on St Patricks Day
Saturday 17th March
Yummy yummy Da Angelos! So good to see my groovy work mates, so nice to catch up on all the goss! It was exciting to hear that Gail had a special upcoming event to share with us! And it was extra special to have my gorgeous lil sister and her man Ty join us!

Photos of top friends from work:

Andrea and Lyndal

Fiona, Leanne and Gail

Me, Deb and Merrie

Deb (Sharmo) and Jackie

My gorgeous sis Katie

Was a really great evening all together--will miss them all so much!

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