Monday, April 30, 2007

random photos

me in the desert all alone!!

the massive bread at the turkish restaurant! Tang my friend in the background. So much food yet again!

me, serena and steve all with our saudi champagne (like punch)

a few of my friends ready for our walk

my friend hadi with a camel abought closer to us to pat "the camel whisperer!!"

baby camel

Kingdom tower

this is on the hospital grounds, a huge big park and caves and yey, water and trees!

A few of us from my orientation outside ready togo to dinner in our little black dresses!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

More hash and desert!

Had first shift at work today, okay, very nice staff (first impression anyway). Just wish i could speak more arabic! oh, and the amount of double documenting is insane! My preceptor is lovely. Will put a photo of me in my uniform when i get one! Very unattractive, but super handy to have lots of pockets.

Still loving hash walks. Had camp out for Anzac run coz we missed out on the embassy function. Was okay, i survived! We danced and cooked our food (well Hadi did most of it all!!) Was kwayis! I haven't camped sice i was young and was dreading the whole toilet thing and sleeping outside with the bugs--but it was awesome, i survived, but was desparate to get home in morning for shower! Mostly too coz i didn't sleep much, or even at all really, neither did serena, julia and hadi. We laughed lots. Had sleep in morning then went to friday hash. I liked the friday walk more. Even collected fossils and had cheese and vegemite and all aussie stuff for anzac run. I know the desert looks almost the same every different location, but i will still piut some photos on.

Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm still here!

Almost finished orientation. Am doing skills lab stuff these couple of days, then have weekend off and start work SATURDAY!!! Very nervous, but just want to enjoy the last of these relaxed days and weekends off!

I finally have internet at home, its slow,but so much nicer than the computer room. Have checked out more shopping malls, they are awesome! i want to go and spend a day there with lots of money. Have just been getting boring stuff that i need really, ooh, and a few shoes:) Really want to get to the souks soon too!

Just so busy with other stuff, same old really, dinners, shops, movies at hadi's and hash! Got camp out this weekend coz we misssed out on the embassy function for anzac day. Im making anzac biscuits for the camp. Have been baking lots lately. I think coz its like a little community, i want to share it with my friends. Mum has given me some classic recipes.
i'm trying to put more photos on, but the internet is being a poo, will try tomorrow, night!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I am a week behind with this, but still want to show you it all. Last weekend (thursday and friday--saudi weekend) Tamara got us into what they call Hash House Harriers, a world wide walking/running group. It was unreal! We went to the thursday hash and started to walk, it is really rocky, not all sand like i expected. The weather really cut up and we ended up trying to run through this wicked as sand/rain storm with thunder, and the lightening almost only 4 meters away!!! It was so scary, but at the same time a bit of an adrenaline rush. It was so invigorating and fun at the same time! This was nature, and this was life! We all looked out for each other, the walk was cut slightly short and we were drenched by the end!! We got a lift back with Tamara's and Ann's friend Hadi. He bought us all dinner and we went to his compound to eat it "Shwarma" yummy arabic food. He was very genuine, kind and hospitable.

The next day (friday), Hadi invited us to the Hash that day. It was only Serena and I coz Tam and Ann had to work. The weather had improved and today bought lots of feelings that the camera could not capture. It was a feeling of freedom, the beauty in its own way is unreal. The huge big ocean floor!! We climbed really high, it was so amazing! The group of people are all really interesting and very welcoming! I love it and am off to do it again tomorrow!

Have just finished another week of orientation, have just been to dinner where steve (aussie guy in our orientation group) could join us. Same deal, very full, very happy with meal and very cheap!

Here are some photos from Hash in the desert:

A very organised group! We had to stand in the circle and introduce ourselves! Lots of people!

Freaky bug in the desert!

Tamara and I before the storm!

Stuck in the storm! Lucky my camera is waterproof. The sand mixed with the rain and it was like desert hail!

I like this photo, this was thae calm after the storm, and finally i got to see some blue sky!

Me and Serena ready for thursday

Take two: serena and I out at hash again friday!

I also have some other photos, like the ones where we got to pat a lonley camel! It was a nice one, he didn't spit and actually loved the attention! They look awesome in the desert. Hadi drove up to it and bought it closer. Serena and I also did something illegal!! We had a little drive each in Hadi's left hand drive 4wd in the desert! I couldn't believe it, it wasn't that hard to adjust sides from what you are used to. I will put the photos on when i have more, until then, take care everyone and know that i am fine. I hope everyone is well! I have spoken to mum and dad and might even try and call now since they are seven hrs ahead and i can sleep in if i want to tomorrow, so i might catch them n the morning.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

First compound get together

Serenas flatmate invited us (Brooke, Serena, me, and emily-from nz) to the American milatry compound to meet more people. Oh my Allah! What an adventure just to get in there!! Mass security, it felt weird and was a lengthy process for us being our first time. A guy met us there, like our sponsor really. We got in there, and yes, everything is in Saudi!! Good party!
Good to meet new people, some cool aussies there too, but most of the guys were american. It was fun, i even joined in this crazy pick up the cup with your mouth without touching the ground and keeping your hands behind your back!! The challenge between us got more intense as they trimmed the cup down. Lucky i can do a bit of yoga, this helped a lot!

Serena, Emily and I

Lots of dancing and kareoke in the lounge

Crazy cup challenge (trickier than it looks!!)

Brooke (Aussie from my orientation group), Ann (a school teacher) and Alishia(cool aussie chicky been here a few months).

I met so many people and have more photos but cant put themn all on here. It was good to get out, so much to learn from each other even, not just the Saudi ways. Lots of fun so far!

This was different!

I just wanted to add this to an experience. It was a few days ago now,but i havn't forgotten. It was the same day we were stuck in the dust storm near Faisalia. I decided to wear my head scarf, not only out of respect, but also to protect my ears from the sand. It was hopeless, we were a little lost, stuck in a car park type area what looked like a ghetto, we were trying to get our sense of direction in the storm. My scarf was hopeless in the wind, it wouldn't stay on properly. I decided i could ask for help from a lady walking with her son. At first she avoided me, but i continued to gesture asking for help and when i said "how" and gestured she knew exactly what i meant. I only wanted it around my head, but she insisted i get around like ths:

I walked around a little like this and Serena was cracking up :), she couldn't belive i let her cover my face! It was a really bizzare feeling, but i tell you what, it really did protect me from all the flying sand and rubbish!!!

The food is so good here, and so cheap!!!

I don't know why i even bother to do grocery shopping because the food is fabulous! Tamara took Serena and i out to dinner. She was very impresive with her arabic skills trying to get us there in an outside taxi! I will stick to our fixed price "Hala" taxis until i know where i am and how to direct the driver (safer this way!). Some of the words are yemeen(right), yassar(left), ala'tool(straight), wagef(stop), and others but i don't have them in front of me. I have begun to pick up some more arabic phrases and enjoy using them.
Anyway, slightly off the topic, back to the food(i love food!). We went to an indian restaurant and the food was tayeb (delicious) --this could also mean "Ok" n conversation.
There was such a variety, we had our own curry each (like butter chicken etc)and were given pampadoms, cuccumber salad, rice, vege lentil dahl, chicken gravy stuff, chappati and rotti bread and rita. Tamara and I even stepped out of the square and ate with our hands!! (thanks to susan and reyan for teaching me this traditional art!!). Serena wasn't quite keen enough to give it a go. It is very different, but fun and yummy as! All of this cost 39 riyals which is like 13AUD between the 3 of us!!!

Tamara and Serena

Tamara trying to eat traditionally and Serena looking very unsure about the whole thing!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Flew from HK to Bahrain, transit for only 1hr then arrive Riyadh 2200hrs 6 April, 27 degrees, tired, furry teeth!!!! But yey, finally got here. Felt more nervous flying into Riyadh, I spose, this was it! Very nice airport!! Greeted by Hospital rep, got bags etc (mine were searched!), stuck with dodgy trolley, was a funny sight, Serena and I going round and round!! Got on bus, but then had to wait for another girl to arrive from Canada. Very tired and annoyed coz it was now midnight heading to 1am and we had to start orientation at 0800hr!! Everything was done in what i have learnt is Saudi time! Spent more time trying to find a petrol station that sold diesel! Such a stuff around when all we wanted to do was get to our accomadation!
Got to my unit in the MCV-38c (Serena in same complex-yey 30c), one of my flatmates got up, the other was out overnight. They are both Finnish girls who have been here 7months, very nice-Hanna and Paivi. I was a bit dissappointed at the beginning because there is 3 of us and only 2 bathrooms and the upstairs is a bit pokey and my room is the smallest. I felt so much better after i rang Tamara to let her know i arrived and her and Andrea (both awesome girls i know from Tassie--they have been here 2months)both popped over to visit, gave me big welcome hug! Got to bed at 3am! Woken up at 4:30am with prayer call, loud near my unit, but at the same time was pleasant to hear- like a little song. Up then at 7 for orientation--that sucked!!So tired!!
Long days on orientation. The second night here Tamara met me with her Finnish friend and took us to the supermarket out of the Hospital--First time out in Abaya!

Tamara and I in our abaya

Got back, didn't buy much coz didn't know what i needed and wanted at that stage and was a bit exhausted still, we got stuck in there at prayer time and were allowed to keep shopping, but once prayer trime is over, you have to queue for ages at the check out!! Big lesson in Saudi--Patience!
Up again with early prayer call, they pray 5times a day (times depend on the sun)facing towards Makka. Walked to the hospital in the very dry heat and noticed the sky is such a different colour! We had fire traing, and i mean real fire traing--as part of the course we had to extinguish a real fire!!

Me fighting the fire in my abaya!!

Serena and Brooke (both Ausiies from Vic!)

It has been very bizarre weather, super dust storms, thunder and lightening and even rain!!! Serena and i ventured out into the city ourselves and had several different encounters!
We found awesome bookstore that sold not only books, left there and to avoid prayer time we went into burger king for some food--first mistake, totally forgot and took male entrance!!! Went round to female entance and eating area and ate behind the curtains like this:

crazy weather we got stuck in!!!

Kingdom Tower amongst all the dust!! Normally awesome building to see, i will put a good photo on when the weather settles and the sky is bluer! Most people liken it to a bottle opener!

This another landmark building for us with great shops "Faisalia" (the pointy one, don't know what the book like one is!).

I still have more to put on here, more details of the place and the culture and what has happened, but time is short, so busy!! I'd like to be more descriptive but have so much to catch up on. Got to dash to a compound party (don't worry, not keen to drink, too tired anyway) and up tomorrow for desert walk with hash house harriers!! see you next time!

Heading to Hong Kong

Yey--found internet to update you all!
Well, i have so much to say! Before i left i spent my last few days with my family and had lunch in my fav restaurant Maldinis with mum. Katie and ty hung out and i was so spoilt by everyone.

Mum and I--I love you and miss this already!

I packed my bags fairly well but was still overweight, but qantas were very kind and gave me an extra bag to take on the plane and let me empty my shoes out of my suitcase so that i didn't get charged. Honestly tho, how do people expect one to move countries with only 20kg!

I was really excited and ready for the trip to Hong Kong. I was a weird mix of emotions-excited, nervous, scared, sad, miss everyone, but huge new adventure awaits!
I was lucky to meet such a wonderful person on the plane next to me, so genuine, caring and so worldly-Tamara. She was very talented, inv9olved in publishing books, art, media-all sorts. She lives in France, but is from Tas and travels the world with her work and also by house sitting-amazing. All my tears were held back (i am glad about). We chatted all the way and got along really well, sharing lots of experiences and personal things that make up the multiple "layers" and "facets" of ourselves. I felt it was a great start to what was ahead! Must keep in contact!
Rang mum in Syd felt tired but keen to move on to HK-boarded at 1pm Qantas, sat next to young girl from HK (but from Scotland) who has lived in HK for 16yrs. Her name was Julie too. She had flown 100times back and forth coz she is doing uni in Syd. Watched cool movies-The Holiday, Miss Potter and Flushed away.

At baggage claim a girl recognised my face and voice, her mame is Serena and get this....she was heading to Saudi too and not only that...we went to uni together too!!! Unreal! We both stayed at the Regal Airport Hotel which the Hospital provided--was really nice room, so good to have a shower! Then attempt to sleep on unfortunately what was a hard, non posturepedic concrete type matress mixed with out of wack body clock. HK was only 2hrs behind, but i was still tired!

Serena and i checked out HK together! Caught super groovy train in, walked around waterfront, had lunch then ventured into some city streets and markets. Very smoggy place, lots of cool buildings, awesome food and dinky little shops!

Some photos from Hong Kong

Serena at the waterfront.

Massive meal of noodles--so so so cheap!

Tiny bit of the city.

Funny double decker trams.

Awesome cobbled street climing hill after market! (can't put photo of markets on because the computer wont let me rotate them-cant wait to get internet at home!).