Friday, August 10, 2007

Another month!

wow, another month has passed! Have been busy with work, drinking coffee with my friends, trying different restaurants with tamara and a few work mates. Enjoying work and the people i work with. Met a new girl from Brzil, but she has been in Aussie for past 4yrs, so we went tothe museum together. All is great. Heading to Thailand tonight for a week---yeh, i know, i could've gone from aussie coz its closer and cheaper, but couldn't get flights tosuit for cyprus and egypt and all the close countries are really expensive at this tme coz it is the saudi summer break, so saudi is very quiet at the moment. Better go, my taxi or what they call them is "limosine" is her in 10mins. Will update more when i back from thailnd. So just want to chill out, maybe have a nice cocktail even! !2hrshifts starting to catch up with me! cheers anyeways guys xxxx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jules!Im missing chatting with you! I never seem to see you online! You have to email me and tell me about your holiday in Thailand ya lucky duck :)