Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I went to EGYPT!

Egypt was great, but the best thing of all was meeting up with my little sis Katie:) We arrived in Cairo and stayed in a resort called the oasis for the first night and then were transferred to another hotel called the pyramisa right in the city. Our transfer ride was interesting, we had just been joking about how we would have to really brave to get in one of their taxis on these crazy roads when they came to inform us that our hotel bus wasn't able to get us soo...the taxi it was...aarrrh!!!

Katie by the pool with her cocktail:)

the taxi with our luggage on the roof!!!

Once we got to our new hotel "The Pyramisa" a little more in central Ciaro, we decided to explore a little by ourselves while we had the free time. It was fun just walking together (without a map!!) and just having a lookm around. For me it was nice to see muslim women holding hands with their boyfriends and not all in abayas. The nile in Cairo wasnt too much to rave about, but i suppose its the same for most rivers through a capital city. We went down a little alley way and got some munchies to take on our trip, it was getting dark so we thought we'd better figure out how to get back to our hotel. On the way, some dude stopped us sayuing hello and that he knew we were looking for the pyramisa! I was a little freaked out and supicious, whereas Katie was chatting freely. Anyway, after all the talking, he took us to his shop where he sold perfumes and papyrus, told us everything to prove genuineness and that on tours they take you to places wrhere the prices are doubled for the commission for the tour guide and company. I was still unsure, but looking back, this guy was awesome, he was genuine and had quality products. So got him as a cotact if anyone heads to Cairo. He later took Katie to a jewellery place for her to get her Katoush and Anch. Two other girls joined us, they were studying in Egypt. We later had mango juice and shee-sha together, it was really awesome. I couldn't believe how we set out to just walk around a bit and explore and how fun and surprising it turned out to be. Katies great personality really made it too!!!!

The Nile in Cairo

The bomby cars that get around bumper-to-bumper making five lanes out of four that only need a good working horn to be considered road worthy!

Katie bird in Cairo

Katie buying perfumes

Hanging out together with out mango juices and smoking she-sha apple flavour


We visited the step pyramid first and then went to the Giza pyramids and then to the sphinx. After that we were taken to a perfume place and the papyrus factory. Beore all that we went to the museum--that is really worth a look! I couldn't believe some of the things they found, like the artifacts from tutanchkauns tomb! Also, the highlight would be seeing the royal mummies museum! It was amazing to see these mummies from thousands of years ago!!

Step pyramid

The Giza Pyramids and us walking like egyptions!!--my aussie travel buddies--Tanya and Rob and Peta!

The Sphinx

Lunch on a boat

The citadel and the mosque in Cairo

The most fun markets ive been to--laughed all the way as the store people try and get you to come in as if they were trying to pick you up, was hilarious!

On the train to Aswan!!

The cocktail welcome drinks on our cruise boat in Aswan

Edfu Temple

Relaxing at the pool as we cruise to Luxor

The Galabiah dress-up party!!!

Visit to the tombs and Hatchupsoot temple

More temples

Alerbaster factory--very entertaining!

A Flauucca sunset cruise on the Nile.

This was a huge temple in Luxor covering acres of land. The Kharneck temple.

Our last day we were in Cairo and spent the day out together, had a great Egyption lunch at Felfellas then got a small taxi back and flew home that night.