Wednesday, June 20, 2007

more desert and camels!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am still here guys!!!

Yey yey yey---my internet is finally working again so it is time to addmore photos! Not much has really been happening lately, i was sick for a bit so didn't do much for a while and other than that have been very busy at work. It is getting hotter and hotter here everyday so going to the desert might not happen as often. I still have so much to see, but have to organise a few people to come with me coz its not a good idea to go by yourself here. I want to see the sights recommended in the lonly planet guide that are in riyadh while im here--its not much tho, just the museum and a historic site, the shopping malls (which i've been to a few times now) and some historical fortress. Once ive done hat i will try to get to see a bit more of saudi. Planning to do a dive course sometime so will have to go to jeddah for that. i will just put a few random photos on since it has been so long since i last could access my blog. hope it keeps working, i missed chatting to you guys!!!

Hadi and i cooking dinner at a hash camp out--yes i did camp everyone!!!


More proof that i camped---no tent either, under the stars in the middle of the desert (ewwoo, with all the bugs too!!!)

awesome fossils in the desert--it used to be a huge ocean, i have collected some, mostly clams and shells.